Thursday, June 29, 2017


For reasons I will explain there I am moving my blogging activity to a new address:

I hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Alt-Right And Christianity

Christianity and the Alt-Right have a troubled relationship. On the one hand, issues of race realism and nationalism are clearly seen as a threat by people like Russell Moore as shown by the completely random and unnecessary condemnation of the Alt-Right at the recent annual gathering of the Southern Baptist Convention. Evangelical Christianity and conservative branches of Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy (for clarity, I don't consider Catholicism or Orthodoxy to be genuine expression of Christianity, to a lesser extent than outright heretical movements like Mormonism) are also the single greatest source of potential recruits as they are dominated by White men who are also politically conservative and less likely than the average Joe to be completely cucked. On the other hand, there are plenty of loud voices in the Alt-Right who seem hell bent on denigrating the Christian faith, preferring a thoroughly secular movement, or at least one that elevates ancient and dead pagan religions or demands, ironically like the Left, that Christians keep their mouths shut about their faith if they want to get into the alt-right treehouse.

This is self-defeating and destructive.

If this imagery isn't central to your vision for
a White future, your vision is empty and hopeless.

What does the Alt-Right in particular and any hope of rescuing and preserving White European culture more generally need? It needs a lot of White men with wives and children to pass on our values to the next generation and it needs numbers. What does it seem to have and attract a lot of? Unmarried and/or childless bitter young men who don't seem able to distinguish between male headship in the home and church versus garden variety frustration fueled misogyny. There are actually a lot of guys in the alt-right who produce great material that have families but some of the loudest voices are hardly poster-boys for family values and the commenters on those sites are often equally vicious and ignorant when it comes to faith.

How do we bridge the gap between the more garden variety Breitbart conservatives and the Alt-Right? I am not really interested in how to appeal to the Wall Street Journal Republican or the National Review Republican. The WSJ crowd is consumed with tax cuts and tax breaks that may be good policy but are entirely targeted toward a very small, very wealthy group. The NRO crowd is mostly concerned with starting new wars to appease their Jewish neo-con masters. I am concerned with making a place for people who are slowly being driven out of their denominations and political parties and right now the alt-right is kind of a hostile place for them. The future growth of the alt-right and I believe the only hope for our people is not found in bored rich kids who amuse themselves by being an edgy racist and advocate for socialist economic policies or in anonymous internet trolls who have a chip on their shoulders about religion. It is in garden variety, salt of the earth working class and middle class Whites and the reality is that these Whites go to church in huge numbers and that is to their credit. Yammering about Odin worship or accusing all Christians of being complicit in the Catholic priest sex abuse cover-up is going to drive those people away and since they have nowhere else to go it is most likely going to black pill these people and cause them to disengage entirely. Having a majority of Whites blackpilled serves just as well as having them totally cucked.

There are some good voices in the alt-right that balance being a faithful Christian with being a race realist but they are not nearly as popular as others.

For the vision of the alt-right of true self-determination for White Europeans to come to fruition it needs to be a popular movement. Being a fringe movement of internet trolls, memes and based tweets is nice if you want to "be right" while your country burns down around you and your people are exterminated. If you want to see a real future for European people and culture, you need to hit a critical mass of people and the people you need the most are White Christian families. It might not matter to the highly energized but largely impotent people who prowl blogs all day offering what they think is cutting commentary but a guy who works hard building houses for a living to provide for his family and goes to church faithfully on Sunday is not impressed by your juvenile humor nor is he swayed by your clumsy anti-Christianity rhetoric. He also works for a living and could probably snap most pasty basement dwelling internet trolls in half with his bare hands. The people who will make or break this movement are Baptists and Presbyterians as well as Catholics and Russian Orthodox and Mormons and the alt-right drives them away to its peril.

If the alt-right is going to expand beyond a liberal bogeyman and a small cadre of  celebrity racists and their sycophantic followers, it is going to need a lot more people and a whole bunch of those people are in church today. Facts are inconvenient things but that doesn't make them less true. The leaders of the alt-right better figure this out pretty quickly or the alt-right will be just another scalp in the belt of the SPLC and find itself on the ash heap of history next to the skinheads and eventually the White race itself.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Maybe The Problem Isn't Money

A few weeks ago a news report came out that was sure to provoke all the wrong responses. The title says most of what you need to know:

Anyone who is shocked by these findings, raise your hand.


Anyone at all?

I didn't think so. The report goes on to tell us that not only are they not up to snuff, they are way below snuff.
The state DOE administered the tests in the fall of 2016, but released the data at the end of May, after it was analyzed by CALmatters, a non-profit journalism venture dedicated to exploring state policies and politics. Over 50 percent of these boys scored in the lowest category on the test’s English section, trailing far behind their female classmates. The disparity reflects a widening gender gap in literacy scores across ethnic groups.
California published separate figures on the performance of various ethnic and economic groups, but did not offer a more detailed breakdown of how boys and girls perform within those groups, with state officials claiming that sorting the data is costly and time consuming. This recent data provides rare insight into how gender interacts with race and class in mastering basic literacy skills.
Female students hold a sizable lead over their male classmates in language arts. The gap spans all grade levels, and a higher family income does not appear to have an effect. The gap is also not unique to California, given that girls out-read boys in almost every country and at every age.

So, from that we discover that half of the boys scored in the very lowest possible category, which I have to assume is "barely literate in any sense". But something else was interesting and I also underlined that in the third paragraph. Here is is again: "The gap spans all grade levels, and a higher family income does not appear to have an effect.".

That doesn't match what we are always told, that black underachievement is the result of poverty. It doesn't matter the age or the family financial situation. Black boys simply do not read and write with any level of proficiency that you would expect given how much we spend a year on public schooling.

The usual excuses are made by the usual suspects:
“Part of this may be structural, in having texts that aren’t relevant to the experiences and legacy of African-American boys,” said Chris Chatmon, executive director of the African-American Male Achievement program at the Oakland Unified School District. “When a lot of the curriculum you have access to isn’t familiar, or doesn’t acknowledge your past or your present, you have a tendency not to be engaged with it or want to read it.”
The African-American Male Achievement Program. What an ironic name since black male students are not achieving much of anything. It is also a load of crap. I am not a Hobbit living in Middle-Earth and I have never met a wizard or a Nazgul but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate and learn from the Lord of the Rings, I have never been to England or anywhere else in Europe but I still can learn from the classical authors of Western civilization. The other major problem is that if you restrict the course material to texts that are familiar to black boys or are "relevant" to their experiences, you don't have much to work with. There aren't exactly a plethora of black writers who are on par with Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis or Shakespeare. Perhaps these black boys would benefit from reading works that challenge and expand their horizons instead of insisting that they can only learn from fellow African-Americans?

Or just maybe the problem is much more fundamental. Blacks just are not as intelligent and academically inclined as White and Asian students. You don't see a lot of Korean-American kids who can dunk a basketball or dominate the 100 meter dash but no one seems to care about that. Pretending that the problems of underachievement can all be solved by moving the bar or pushing more black focused curriculum or the old standby, throwing money at the problem (how much do you supposed Chris Chatmon mentioned above makes?) isn't going to change anything. Look at the difference in  college completion rates from Inside Higher Education:

Of blacks who start college, six years later only 38% have a degree. That compares poorly to Hispanics at 46% and even worse compared to Whites (62%) and Asians (63%). Keep in mind that colleges and universities trip over themselves to cater to blacks and they still are failing/dropping out at a high rate. In spite of that, there is still a huge push to get as many blacks into college as possible.

At every level and despite vast sums of money being spent, blacks and to a lesser extend Hispanics, lag behind Whites and Asians. Everyone knows it but we are always told that the problem is anything but the source material, the students themselves. It is poverty, it is Eurocentric curriculum, cultural bias, whatever. We keep making excuses, blacks keep on failing and the solution is to keep doing what we were doing, only with more gusto and money!

We should be steering blacks toward vocational training so they can get jobs that they can actually do instead of promising jobs that they can't get the education for. A young black man is going to be far better off if he gets vocational training and starts a career at 20 as a carpenter instead of going to college, failing out and finding himself without an education and without skills at 20.

Of course saying that is racist. So is suggesting that importing even more people who actually have even lower IQs and then wondering what to do with them might be bad policy. In fact anything other than mindlessly repeating the mantra "It's not their fault" is racist.

Maybe what is really "racist" is to use blacks as pawns in your political power plays regardless of whether it helps them or not?

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Devouring Ourselves

As someone fairly new (less than a year) to being sold on the red-pill and accepting much of standard alt-right orthodoxy, I have noticed a very familiar pattern. That pattern is seen in lots of high-commitment groups, from sports to theology to politics. It manifests itself in endless sniff testing and ideological purity purges. Oh, you are a New York Yankees fan? What is your opinion of Billy Martin? Hah, I knew it! You are a poser, a fake fan! Begone!

The base position of people like this, whatever the context, is that they would rather win the argument than win the war. Being "pure" in your position is better than being triumphant. That is fine when the argument is over sports, if you want to sit in your man-cave with all of your overpriced sports memorabilia and gloat about being the world's biggest <insert team name> fan, go for it. It is juvenile but generally harmless.

If you are talking about the continued existence or very probably extinction of a race and culture, then being the most rightest guy around doesn't count for much. When your race is gone and your culture is relegated to a footnote, those who replaced you won't applaud your principled stance. Instead they will more likely laugh at you out loud while silently thanking you for making their task easier.

That is kind of the situation the alt-right has found itself in. Prior to 2016, who had heard of the "alt-right"? White nationalism was hidden under the cultural lore of the Klan, skinheads and "neo-Nazis". It was a fringe of a fringe of a fringe. But in 2016, ironically due in no small part to the real head of the Clinton crime family, i.e. Hillary, mentioning the alt-right in a speech and getting heckled with "Pepe!" shouts during speeches, the alt-right burst onto the mainstream and was given outsized credit for electing Donald Trump.

Then the wheels started coming off.

Mere weeks after the election, the National Policy Institute held it's conference and because of the outcome of the election is got a lot of press. It especially got a lot of press because of this:

This was the first sign of things to come. The media jumped all over it. Almost no one knows the content of the talks given, just that at one point Spencer somewhat jokingly said "Hail Trump!" and a few people in the audience tossed up a "Nazi salute". You can quibble over the true meaning of it but in America a raised hand in that manner means only one thing "Sieg Heil". Richard might as well have been wearing a hat with a Gestapo totenkopf on it. It was the first taste of what genuine media attention would look like going forward.

Over the next 7 months a pattern has been repeated. Some segments of the alt-right seem determined to turn the alt-right into a brand and market the crap out of it. Like a corporate marketing department they jealously guard their brand. If you don't know what I mean, try modifying a famous corporate logo a little and see what happens.

Don't misunderstand. There are a lot of good things going on. From the attacks by "antifa" on Spencer and others to the mobs on campus attacking Milo (who is not alt-right at all) and Charles Murray (also not alt-right at all) to the recent ridiculous anti-alt-right resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention, the alt-right and White nationalism in general is drawing a lot of attention and in spite of the best efforts of the media and "mainstream" conservatives alike to discredit the ideas, I believe the alt-right has a lot of momentum. Every time someone punches Richard Spencer and his name gets googled, more people get exposed and that is how the ideas spread. A lot of White people already secretly believe much of what White nationalism teaches and instinctively understand the peril our race and culture is in and finding out that a lot of other people feel the same way without wearing silly white hoods or having shaved heads is encouraging. I think the number of people exposed to and buying into our ideas is lightyears ahead of where it was this time last year.

It is also a curse because the last seven months have also seen a ton of ideological purges and  pogroms. To me, people who are popular and part of the way toward where we are serve as a useful stepping stone. To others they are responded to like Nike suing a shoe manufacturer for making a knock-off Air Jordan and calling it the Air Johnson. There are so many smart, funny and persuasive people who are not "alt-right" proper. I am sure I am not sufficiently ideologically pure in some eyes to even embrace the label alt-right. But those people with blogs, twitter accounts and especially Youtube channels are what I would consider sympathetic co-belligerents. We don't share 100% of the same goals but we do share a lot of them and we also have a very similar enemies list. For example, Milo is a degenerate sodomite. There isn't a nicer way of putting it. I don't want him in my home or around my kids. But like a court jester he gets people laughing and perhaps thinking. He is not one of us in any way but he helps move the Overton window toward us and that struggle is constant. If it ain't moving your way, it is moving against you. We have been losing that fight for a long time as evidenced by the fact that suddenly "transgender rights" are the most important issue of our day and pedophilia is right on the cusp of acceptable discourse. If people like Milo and others say publicly what we already know on topics like race, "immigration", the culture destroying danger of Islam, etc., it shifts the range of discourse and people start talking about the same things we are talking about.

We are right in the middle of another public squabble. I won't go into the issues or the combatants because it isn't important and I am not sure I understand it all. All I know is that it distracts from the real issues, gives aid and comfort to our enemies and wastes energy on petty squabbles and "more White nationalist than thou" crap. I am concerned that this is really about pride, influence and money and that sort of squabble has the potential to derail the entire movement for the sake of a few more hits on one website rather than another.

Hold firm to your convictions, I would never say otherwise. But please keep our elective eyes on the prize and more importantly the peril. This is a critical time for the movement and it could make or break us. Do we want to end up as a tiny fringe of ideological purity with a couple of megalomaniacs and their fanboys? Or do we want to be the vanguard of a reawakening of our people that will save our future for our posterity? The answer is everything and a lot of people need to figure that out.

Monday, June 19, 2017

You Had Best Uncuck Yourself

In my normie life I frequent a lot of "conservative" haunts on the internet, including some that less astute people would consider "far right". Most of my social media acquaintances are very conservative. What I have noticed is that a ton of them are "right on the edge". They are on the cusp of being awakened, they see the red pill and are reaching for it but something is holding them back. They just can't take the leap.

This is not an accident.

I am sure that everyone who is recently red-pilled has some experiences with what I am talking about. There are times when I get ready to post something here or on Twitter or Gab, not even a really outrageous thing, and I still get that twinge. "You can't say that!" is what goes through my mind. My wife is the same way. I am smack dab in what you would call middle-aged and it happens to me. I grew up in a far less PC time where you could still jokingly use ethnic insults with friends and people were not squeamish about warning you to stay away from dangerous neighborhoods. Everyone understood that homosexuality was a weird perversion, that men who dressed like women were mentally ill, that getting knocked up out of wedlock was a bad thing for the mother and child and that miscegenation was frowned upon. Despite that we have all been lured into an abusive relationship with the entertainment world and thanks in large part to that we have been inundated with political correctness, which is a nice way of saying that we (by "we" I mean White, heterosexual, gainfully employed and especially Christian Americans) have been taught a virulent strain of self-loathing. We have been taught that a lot of topics are completely off-limits and out-of-bounds: why doesn't anyone talk about why minorities commit more crimes, why doesn't anyone point out that replacing European heritage Americans with Muslims, Mexicans and Africans is going to irreparably change our nation, why don't we talk about the future when elderly Whites who worked their whole lives to build this country are going to be at the mercy of non-Whites who will feel no obligation to fund Social Security and Medicare? Alongside being muzzled, we are also endlessly told that White people didn't build this country (Or as Comrade Obama would say to every hard-working entrepreneur in this country "You didn't build that", as if he has ever built anything worthwhile in his life) and in fact that White people and Western culture are terrible, although no one seems to wonder if White majority Western nations are so bad, why do non-Whites so desperately want to come here instead of the other way around?

For people that are, let's say 10-15 years younger than me that have been out of school for a while, this is far more acute. In school we had very little PC nonsense or at least it was less obvious. World War II was about battles, not Japanese internment camps. Today young adults have been fed a literal lifetime of multicultural indoctrination coupled with an unsubtle loathing of their own Whiteness. Gone are the days of Ward on Leave it to Beaver and shows like Father Knows Best where White fathers went to work and came home to their intact families with normal kids and loving wives and were wise, strict but compassionate. Young adults now grew up with Al Bundy, Homer Simpson and a rogue's gallery of White fathers who were dumb, unhip, bumbling, lazy and married to angry, disdainful harpies. There is no better example of this than the 1999 critically acclaimed film American Beauty where the lead character is a White guy with a family that is dysfunctional as can be, a guy who is cheated on by his wife and who lusts after his daughter's teen-aged friend. The only "normal family" in the movie is a benevolent and warm and perfectly delightful homosexual couple. Little wonder adults of that age are messed up and self-loathing.

There is more hope for the up and coming generation of adults. Having been lectured, hectored, scolded and marketed to their entire lives, they are highly cynical and skeptical. It is kind of ironic that the generation that has been exposed to the most open and constant barrage of political correctness and White self-loathing is also less likely to buy it. Unfortunately the same is not true of their opinions when it comes to human sexuality but that is a topic for another day.

The question for me is how to reach that middle generation and adults of my own generation who are so close to breaking free but can't quite do it. Pepe and other dank memes are great for the younger kids but aren't going to get it done for older adults. This is where we need to be very careful. Careful about the message and careful about the messengers. There is an important part to play in this movement for people "in-between", Youtube content creators who are politically incorrect but not quite completely racially awoke. Political and cultural writers on the fringe of conservative respectability. These people serve as a bridge from mainstream "conservatism" which is run by effeminate guys like George Will and Jewish neocons, people who are happy as long as they can keep making a ton of money with their pious musings safe on their perches, to the people on our side who use facts, reason and logic to dismantle the narrative of the globalist, statist, anti-White Left. Screaming "cuck!" at everyone who is not on board 100% with the JQ is counter-productive, and I fear it is a sign that for some "leaders" in the alt-right, the alt-right itself is a brand to be jealously guarded for their own benefit.

I think it is too late to save this country as it was but I also think there is a chance for a Great Awakening that will, if channeled properly, allow us to salvage what we can of America for Americans and our posterity. Now is the time to keep up the pressure, to never let up on the counter-multicultural narrative. Those who oppose our message will never stop. They are fanatics for their cause and their hatred for Whites is unquenchable. We must be equally resolute in our message. We have history, we have facts, we have logic, we have reason, all on our side but the Left and corporatist establishment Right have control of the engines of popular culture and "education". They have been waging a multi-front war and so must we in our counter-offensive.

If White Americans don't uncuck ourselves and soon, there will be nothing left and we will be forced into hiding in our homes while this country burns down around us or find ourselves fleeing to Eastern Europe. I am not ready to pack my bags for Poland or Hungary just yet, not while there is still a chance to reclaim the European heritage that made America great in the first place.

The Gander Meets The Goose In London

Reports from overnight claim that a man drove a van into a crowd of people in London, killing one and injuring 10 others from initial reports. No big deal, right? This happens all the time, we #prayforlondon and offer empty platitudes on social media and then go on like nothing happened.

Au contraire!

This time the attacker was apparently a White guy, in other words an actual Englishman, and the victims were Muslims leaving midnight prayers. That of course changes everything! The outrage meter is going off the charts!

Normally when someone with a Muslim name blows himself and others up while yelling "Allahu akbar!" or runs people over and then stabs them while shouting "This is for Allah!", we have absolutely no idea what motivated him. None. It is a mystery. Perhaps it was climate change or a lack of a jobs program or insufficient welfare payments. No matter what, we mustn't jump to conclusions and anyone who does is either scolded publicly, even if they are the President of the United States, or they are in trouble with the law (Tommy Robinson). Less than twelve hours after the attack at Finsbury Park? Oh we know what the motivation was and it was definitely terrorism. According to the police statement:
“No matter what the motivation proves to be, and we are keeping an open mind, this is being treated as a terrorist attack and the Counter Terrorism Command is investigating.”
No matter what! I guess as a rebellious colonial subject I don't understand the Queen's English all that well because when you say you are keeping an open mind but have already come to a conclusion, "no matter what", that sounds contradictory.

Of course the outrage from Muslims, who suddenly are getting a taste of the cultural enrichment they spread all over the West, is off the charts. The mayor of London, Muslim Sadiq Khan, said:
London Mayor Sadiq Khan, the first Muslim to serve in that position, said extra police would be deployed. He called the incident a "horrific terrorist attack."
That seems confusing...I tweeted my concern earlier today...

Didn't Mayor Khan say that terrorism was just part and parcel of living in a large city? I guess I don't understand the subtle nuances of big city politics.

When a Muslim kills non-Muslims in the name of Allah, we have to be careful and tolerant. We should hashtag the crap out of the incident and bring stuffed animals, candles and flowers to where people were butchered in the latest attack on the west, a series of attacks by Islam on the West for something like 1500 years. The police should be deployed to keep anyone from making an intemperate statement. Above all we should go about our lives as usual, otherwise the terrorists win! When an apparent non-Muslim attacks Muslims? Everything is on the table.

From Breitbart:
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) said in a statement: “We should make clear that if this attack is confirmed as a deliberate terrorist attack then this should be classed as an act of terrorism.
“The British Muslim community requires all decent people to stand with us against this evil violence.
“Rampant Islamaphobia [sic] has been on the rise for a number of years and those on the far right have perpetuated hatred against Muslims. They should be called out for their hatred.
“The days ahead will be difficult, but with unity and tolerance we will prevail. We will not allow these far right extremists to divide our diverse communities.
“Enough is enough, my condolences and prayers for all the victims and their families. They are in my prayers.”
Oh, the British Muslim community requires all "decent people" to stand with them. REQUIRES. It is strange that the Muslim Council of Britain blames the "far right" for this attack but never admits Islam is behind every other terrorist attack. This requirement makes clear, if you don't do everything we demand, which no doubt will include cracking down on non-Muslim free speech, you are not a decent person. How would I sleep at night if the Muslim Council of Britain didn't deem me to be a decent person? More response from Muslims...

From Fox News:
A leader of the Muslim Council of Britain called for extra security at mosques in light of the apparent attack. The group's general secretary, Harun Khan, described the incident as a hate crime against Muslims.
"During the night, ordinary British citizens were set upon while they were going about their lives, completing their night worship," he said. "It appears from eyewitness accounts that the perpetrator was motivated by Islamophobia."
I wonder who will pay for the extra security? Oh that's right, the British people will. It isn't like they have spent untold millions of pounds to respond to and prevent Islamic terror attacks, now they have to pay for "extra security" to protect mosques. Perhaps an armed bodyguard for every Muslim in the U.K. would be reasonable?
The chairman of the Finsbury Park Mosque said the van crash that hit worshippers was a "cowardly attack" and urged Muslims going to mosques to be vigilant.
Mohammed Kozbar said the Muslim community is "in shock." He complained that the "mainstream media" was unwilling to call the attack a terrorist incident for many hours.
I guess restraint and caution, waiting for the facts to be gathered and the investigation to play out and all of that is only applicable when it is non-Muslims lying dead in the streets of England. Don't rush to judgment...unless Muslims are the victims! You have to have a serious pair on you and/or a complete lack of self-awareness to be spouting this stuff off. I have to hand it to them though, it takes a lot to constantly make the aggressor in a war between cultures seem like they are always they victims.

I am not making light of this. OK, maybe a little but you can only push a people so far. When week after week, year after year, our news is filled with stories of the latest Muslim terror attack and people see pictures of little girls with their limbs torn from their body in the street, it is going to cause people to snap. It is a remarkable show of restraint that stuff like this doesn't happen more often. It isn't like Muslims are not victims of terror attacks but usually the perpetrators are other Muslims.

What we can expect now is a knee-jerk crackdown from British authorities on "hate speech" and anyone on the "far right", regardless of what the motivations of the driver turn out to be (terrorism, no matter what), that will far exceed their response to multiple Muslim attacks over the course of this year. There is nothing a politician loves more than a good crisis (Rahm, are you listening?) that allows them to further weaken civil liberties.

We can also expect to see more Islamic terror in the days to come. I would be a very surprised if there is not an attack this week, whether pre-planned or as a response to this incident. There are tens of thousands of jihadis in Britain already, plus who knows how many more the authorities are unaware of. Some were no doubt radicalized at the very same mosque that these Muslims were coming out of (which apparently has cleaned up it's act recently). This is exactly the sort of thing that can trigger them and the slaughter will continue.

Traditional European values and Middle-Eastern values are simply incompatible and pretending otherwise is what causes these sort of conflicts. These people come with a completely alien worldview. Some may exhibit some signs of assimilation but more often they demand that the culture they have moved into change to accommodate them. The best thing for all concerned is for them to return to nations where their worldview is dominant and acceptable. Europe for Europeans, Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians. In return Western nations should stop meddling in the affairs of the Middle-East, Africa and Asia. Places with "diverse", "multicultural" populations see endless conflict. Places without much diversity, Japan, Switzerland, Iceland, Hungary, Poland, all seem to be relatively conflict free. People simply do better around their own people.

This attack was terrible. I don't want to see anyone run down while minding their own business on a street or a sidewalk. I don't want to see bombs dropped on Syria or Iran, I don't want to see Muslims killing other Muslims and I certainly don't want to see Muslims killing Whites or vice versa. I absolutely condemn acts like the one last night, just as I condemn the attacks in Manchester and on London Bridge and in Nice and in Orlando. But I am also not naive. Forcing incompatible worldviews together causes conflict and no matter how many teddy bears you leave at the site of a terrorist attack and no matter how much you talk about celebrating diversity, the clash of civilizations will continue to lead to bloodshed until one civilization or the other is vanquished. Instead of grandstanding and the muttering of empty platitudes from our "leaders", what we really need is a dose of reality. Until we get real about what needs to happen, like absolutely shutting the door to migrants and deporting those already in country while at the same time withdrawing Western military forces from the Middle East and Africa, this will continue to be commonplace, no matter how many hashtags we dream up.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

News Stories Our Parents Couldn't Imagine

Happy Father's Day! I wonder how many more years it will be legal to say that before Father's Day gets outlawed because it doesn't include women who think they are men, especially butch lesbians, effeminate men with daddy issues, etc. Obviously a day that celebrates fathers is a tool of the patriarchy...

While browsing through news this Sunday afternoon I stumbled onto a story that ought to be shocking. Not shocking because it is a story about a violent encounter but because of those it involved. The headline is innocuous enough:

When you dig into the story you will see what I mean....
GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) — Three people have been charged with killing two Maryland teens who were found dead the night before their high school graduation, and police said they believe the slayings were revenge for a robbery that one of the teens was rumored to have committed.
The three are charged in the deaths of 17-year-old Shadi Adi Najjar and 18-year-old Artem Ziberov, Montgomery County Police Chief J. Thomas Manger said at a news conference late Saturday.
The suspects were identified as 25-year-old Jose Canales-Yanez, 19-year-old Roger Garcia and 24-year-old Edgar Garcia-Gaona. Manger said each is being charged with two counts of first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder. He said Garcia and Garcia-Gaona are brothers.

No Smith's or Johnson's here. The murdered teens were Artem Ziberov, a Russian born kid and his friend Shadi Adi Najjar. As you can imagine Shadi is apparently not Irish. They were however Honor students and Ziberov was quite literally a Boy Scout. The news report from AP indicates that Najjar was believed to have robbed the girlfriend of one of the killers. It also sounds like tragically Ziberov was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, perhaps accompanying his friend Najjar to what turned out to be a set-up.

As for the killers. Well they say pictures are worth a thousand words


Clearly a trio of upstanding citizens who fired around 30 rounds, according to police, to kill a presumably defenseless 17 and 18 year old. Of course if the rumors are true, the 17 year old upstanding Honor student Najjar was also a thief who stole an iPad from a girl and dragged her 50 feet down a road behind the same car he was later murdered in.

What would have been so unbelievable to our parents is not the crime itself, although growing up this sort of thing just didn't happen very often. It would be that a suburb of our nation's capitol was the scene of a shooting of a Muslim teen and a Russian born teen who were murdered by three Hispanics and likewise would be amazed that it is so commonplace. As our White population is replaced by Hispanics, Muslims, blacks and various Asians, they bring with them the sort of social maladies that made them want to escape to America in the first place. This is happening in Europe but on steroids and the feminized European populace keeps rolling out the welcome mat in the hopes that if they bend over sufficiently the nice Muslims and Africans will suddenly stop being third world animals and suddenly become upstanding Danish, German and French citizens. At least in the U.S. we sort of tried to fight back in electing Trump but as he cucks at every turn, most notably on immigration and the wall, it is likely we are hearing the death rattle of the American experience. Our liberal (as opposed to progressive) representative democracy is not suitable for third world invaders who don't see America as a place to go to become American and work hard for the American dream. It is a giant piggy bank full of White people's money and they are all carrying hammers.

Would European settlers and generations of White citizens have worked so hard, sacrificed so much, shed their blood, to build this nation if they knew that their descendents would show their gratitude by handing over everything they built to third world invaders to rape and pillage without so much as a whimper? I doubt it. This nation wasn't built as a home for Garcia's and Yanez's and Najjar's. These people have made a mess of their own homes so they waltz into America, flop on the couch and demand that Americans provide them with food, shelter and money. White Americans are being squeezed out bit by bit through immigration and low birthrates. Go to college, spend a decade finding yourself, then when you are in your 30's you might start to settle down just in time for women to be nearing the end of their natural fertility. That is the message we are inundated with but we are told it is the key to success and prosperity. What it really is the key to is childlessness, enormous debt, dead-end jobs, expensive fertility treatments to replicate the natural fertility squandered for a decade on selfishness and ultimately White genocide.

The only places in this world worth living in are either historically White nations or rigidly homogenous Asian countries. What happens when those are overrun or die out thanks to failure to reproduce, which seems to be where Asian nations like Japan are headed. When Somalia and Saudi Arabia and Mexico swallow up the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe, where will Whites go? Who will maintain Western civilization?

The answer is nowhere and that should frighten and anger every White person to take action but I won't hold my breath waiting.

Black Pigeon On Black Panther

I like YouTuber Black Pigeon Speaks and watch most of his videos. He wouldn't pass many ideological sniff-tests from the alt-right but still he posts interesting and often useful links, in spite of his weird anger toward religion. He fired up a new one today on the upcoming Black Panther movie and why it should actually appeal to the alt-right.

This seems weird at first. Looking at Tweets referencing "Black Panther movie" is a litany of people explaining why this is the greatest movie ever, even though it doesn't come out until next year. One person, Nomaris Garcia Rivera, wrote perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious piece that wasn't intended as satire when she posted: The ‘Black Panther’ Trailer Shows What Africa Would Have Been If White People Didn’t Destroy It. Yep. According to her:
That right there in just two minutes drops the trope of defenseless Africans who need help and shows what African countries could have been without its colonization. Where instead of showing a story of a white hero who comes to aid the people it shows those who have hidden their culture to keep it safe.
Wow, she gets that all from a trailer. We wuz superhero kangz! A two minute trailer unravels the historical reality of Africa and what has happened anywhere blacks employ self-rule (i.e. Haiti, Liberia, Detroit...). You can't make this stuff up. But BPS makes the point in this video that the movie really makes the case the alt-right makes. Here is the video:

White nationalism is at the core about self-determination. I don't want to harm or enslave blacks or Hispanics. I am all for each ethnicity, race and religion having their own homelands. If blacks think they would be better off in their own homelands, I agree! That is at the center of black nationalism just as it is at the center of White nationalism. The idea that blacks would live in some utopia if only the White man had left them alone is obviously and demonstrably false but if that is the fantasy they believe, more power to 'em!

I support the creation of a real Wakanda where blacks can be free to rule themselves as they see fit in Africa. I would just ask that Whites are afforded the same privilege.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

If The Noose Doesn't Fit You Must Acquit!

Remember that moment in the O.J. trial when Johnny Cochrane said of the infamous gloves "If it doesn't fit, you must acquit!" The O.J. trial was a seminal cultural event. A famous black man, known for his joviality, was accused of murdering his beautiful estranged White wife. The trial itself was televised, as was the famous white Bronco car chase which so many of us watched in morbid fascination. This was before the endless barrage of "news" but the nation was riveted by the spectacle. It was just a few years after the Rodney King trial and the riots that filled our screens. We watched over and over as gangs of black men burned down their neighborhoods and dragged White trucker Reginald Denny from his truck on live TV, beat him, hit him in the head with a brick which nearly killed him, and then danced and cavorted around so proud of what badsses they were for assaulting a man outnumbered 6-1 who was just trying to do his job. During the O.J. trial the prosecution, as inept a group of lawyers as you are likely to see this side of a sitcom, decided to have Simpson try on the infamous bloody leather gloves, even though they were soaked in blood with the expected result to the leather of making them far less supple and Simpson was wearing latex gloves. Of course they didn't fit. Predictably the jury acquitted Simpson and I recall that day at work when the verdict came down on the TV in the breakroom and how excited many of my co-workers were, all White women if I recall, that O.J. was set free.

That isn't really the point of my post. My point has to do with a recent event that follows a very predictable pattern of "hate crimes" that are splashed all over the media for a few days and then disappear, very often later being shown to have been hoaxes. There is a nice resources that compiles a list of fake "hate crimes" that is worth bookmarking because you can be sure the media will do their best to bury stories about "hate crimes" shown to be false. The story of the soon to be shown as fake "hate crime" hits the media, is denounced by the talking heads as a sign of "how far we have to go" and then gets buried, the mission of moving the conversation accomplished. As an example, the black church in Mississippi that was spray painted with pro-Trump graffiti and burned down, that was later predictably shown to be a black member of that very church, still has the news about the arson on their church webpage and says it is unsolved. I wonder how much they received in insurance and in donations from guilty White Christians to rebuild the church one of their own burned down?

In this case, a noose was found in the National Museum of African American History and "Culture". Don't feel bad if you had no idea that this museum even existed, it wasn't built for you. It is a place for Washington elites to wallow in racial guilt and for visiting blacks to be dosed with a healthy serving of racial resentment to take back home. The response was typically over the top.
The gallery containing an exhibit on segregation was closed for about three hours while U.S. Park Police investigated the incident in the nation's capital, Smithsonian officials said.
"The Smithsonian family stands together in condemning this act of hatred and intolerance, especially repugnant in a museum that affirms and celebrates the American values of inclusion and diversity," Smithsonian Secretary David Skorton wrote in an Institution-wide email.
Museum founding Director Lonnie Bunch III said in a statement that the incident is a reminder of the challenges African-Americans still face.
"The noose has long represented a deplorable act of cowardice and depravity — a symbol of extreme violence for African Americans, ..." Bunch said. "This was a horrible act, but a stark reminder of why our work is so important."
They closed the whole museum down for three hours because of a noose. What did they think was going to happen? Did they think it was going to explode? Did they think that a posse of Klan members was going to ride in on horses and start lynching colored folks? Do Irish people run screaming in fear when they see a potato? The list of dangers to the lives of blacks goes on for quite a while, past lightning strikes and being eaten by a shark, even past dying in an exploding White House during an alien invasion, before you get to "getting lynched at a museum in the middle of Washington, D.C.". So why the overreaction? It gets more curious. A few days after the initial report I saw this story from a local D.C. Fox affiliate: Investigation continues after noose found at DC's African American museum. In it the question is raised, why are there no suspects? Why haven't we seen video of a perpetrator? Check this out:
A noose was found by a tourist inside the segregation gallery at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture on Wednesday afternoon. Since it was discovered, there have been reports that surveillance video was recorded inside the gallery, but officials have yet to release any details on what might have been captured on tape.
On Monday afternoon, a museum official told FOX 5's Kristyn Leon they have "no interest in sharing the video," but didn't say why. Earlier in the day, another museum spokesperson said it's part of protocol to turn over any surveillance video that might exist to police as part of the investigation process. In this case, the spokesperson also said they're not even sure that video of the person or person who hung the noose inside the museum's gallery even exists, and the couldn't talk about what was on the video that has been turned over to U.S. Park Police.
Huh. In this day and age of surveillance cameras everywhere, there doesn't seem to be a tape forthcoming. After such a dastardly crime, leaving a noose on the floor!, why isn't there a suspect? Why hasn't the tape been released to the public to find the perp, as is such a very common practice for an unsolved "crime"? It almost sounds like there is a tape, they know what is on it but for some reason they don't want to release the tape because maybe what it shows is embarrassing.....

It isn't like this didn't get any press coverage. A search of the Washington Post ("Democracy Dies In Darkness!" That just kills me every time I see it) for "noose museum" yields 76 results, each more outraged and self-righteous than the last. Missing however is any news about a suspect or a description of the perp. Just that something outrageous happened and by God we are outraged about it!

So what gives? I frequent a lot of online circles full of people that would fall into the category of alt-right or White nationalist or even the alleged "White supremacist" bogeyman, which I really haven't run across. The people I read are mostly interested in an ethno-state for Whites, like the Jews have in Israel and not much different from what black nationalists desire, and preserving Western culture and our race itself  rather than oppressing or dominating blacks or Mexicans. I can't imagine any of them leaving a noose somewhere when they can just post whatever they like on social media. Like the "racist" notes found at St. Olaf College planted by a black student who ironically was headed to Europe after graduation, this smacks of a hoax and the utter lack of any suspects or video just strengthens that assumption.

Why would someone do this? Let's go back to a quote from the first story:
"The noose has long represented a deplorable act of cowardice and depravity — a symbol of extreme violence for African Americans, ..." Bunch said. "This was a horrible act, but a stark reminder of why our work is so important."
That is why.

Racism, persecution, oppression, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, soon to be joined to pedophilia, are cash cows, they are their own industries. The problem with their industry is sort of like any other industry, there needs to be constant demand. Do you think it is coincidental that roads that were just repaired start to crumble thus requiring the same industry that repaired the road to come back in the next year and repair it again? Or that computers become obsolete and start to break down almost immediately? I am more than 90% sure that this is a hoax and I would absolutely not be surprised if the museum knows it is but they aren't saying anything because the news story is useful for fund-raising and drawing in more guilty White D.C. liberals to boost attendance numbers.

Actual lynchings, rare as they were, were horrible and that is not what I am for nor is it what anyone outside of a few kooks are for. Hoax hate crimes like this just muddy the waters to the point that many people, and more everyday, just assume that reports of "hate crimes" are a hoax until proven otherwise. That doesn't stop the people trying to dismantle the West and eliminate the White from using them because a fake hate crime is just about as useful to them as a real "hate crime", maybe more so because they can more easily manage the story.

This is the real struggle we face. Ours is a fight where we try to rely on facts and data and reason (plus the very dankest of memes and trolling) but the opposition relies on emotion, misinformation, careful spin and outright lies. When people defend fake hate crimes because after all it could have happened, it makes the task that much more difficult. The general complacency, inability to think rationally and decades of racial self-loathing pounded in the heads of most Americans increases the difficulty exponentially. Regardless of how difficult the task is and how tilted the playing field is against us, we must continue to fight. Nothing less than the very existence of Western civilization, the greatest experience in human history in spite of its flaws, and the continued existence of our race are at stake.

Saturday, June 10, 2017


So real life as it were kept cropping up and other blogging ventures have kept me busy. It was obviously not my intent to go dark after such a short time but things like that happen. I am really hoping to get more active starting pretty much right now!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Gee, Why Does The Alt-Right Have So Much Momentum And Energy?

It is not just the clever memes and Twitter trolling, or the violence against alt-right people peaceably expressing their opinions or even the Youtube videos or Gab conversations. I think a lot of it has to do with the general sense of growing anger at the barrage of crap being dumped on White people in this country. For example...

Exhibit A, the trailer for the new Netflix black revenge porn series "Dear White People". The video is very brief but in that short time is incredibly offensive for the stereotypes of White people, who apparently all live in opulent fraternity houses and wear blackface paint and appropriate black "culture". You will note that in the video you see a horde of blacks storming a White frat house, pushing White kids around and destroying their property. Is that the message being sent to Whites, don't make the blacks angry or offend them or even just be yourselves or you might find a crowd of blacks breaking into your home and pushing you around and breaking your stuff? The backlash against the video is pretty severe, threatening to send it into serious competition with the Ghostbusters remake for most disliked video in history. Since I saw it this morning at around 82,000 dislikes it has climbed to over 105,000 dislikes and is still climbing. Nice marketing Netflix!

Exhibit B, I posted earlier about neo-con Bill Kristol cavalierly suggesting that the solution to the problems in the White working class is to simply replace them, like with Mexicans who really want to work hard and create a better life for their kids. Makes perfect sense to me, clearly no one in the White working class actually works hard or wants a better life for our kids. We all just sit around "cutting coupons" in between taking hits of prescription painkillers or meth. For Kristol the American people, specifically the very people who created and sustained this nation, built our cities, defeated the Nazis and Imperial Japan, sent a man to the moon, etc., are nothing more than replaceable economic units of production. I happen to think they are people who deserve more than to be cast aside for Mexicans.

Exhibit C, Under-Armour is going to invest $5.5. billion in majority black hellhole/shooting gallery Baltimore but that plan is called "white supremacy". Yes, trying to invest money in a city that is majority black and crime-ridden (funny how those go together), a plan that will create all sorts of jobs for construction, on-going employment and additional jobs in restaurants and other industries that spring up where other jobs exist, is nothing but the Man keeping the brothers down by...providing gainful employment. Obviously this is just a ploy to get blacks to work at real jobs instead of shooting each other while waiting for a reparation check.

Exhibit D, the Hispanic woman governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinzez the only female Hispanic governor in America, is called a racist by a scrawny beta-male "white" liberal because she supports making it more difficult for people in this country illegally to get a driver's license in New Mexico. Clearly an effete White guy knows more about the Hispanic experience in America than Governor Martinez who obviously doesn't know anything about being Mexican-American: "She is a former Democrat and grew up in a Mexican-American household near the U.S.-Mexico border.". As a spokesperson for the Governor pointed out "...the overwhelming majority of Hispanics in New Mexico supported her initiative to end the dangerous practice of giving driver's licenses to illegal immigrants". Obviously those majority of Hispanics who support this policy are also racists. What would we do without milquetoast guilty White liberals to tell us what to think?

That is just a brief survey of a couple of items in the news from the last day or so. We are bombarded with this crap all day, every day and I see more and more people who are just sick and tired of it. If trying to invest in a city that desperately needs investment is White supremacy and if entertainment companies think putting forth black violence revenge porn is what consumers want to watch, is it any wonder more and more people are finally so sick of the narrative that they are giving the alt-right and other race realists a fair hearing and realizing that what we say makes a lot of sense?

Please keep it up Netflix and Bill Kristol. You are doing a lot of the hardest work for us.

White working class? Just replace 'em!

In one of those examples of why in a world where every person carries a recording device and the internet allows those recordings to be broadcast to the world instantaneously you need to watch what you say, Jewish neo-con Bill Kristol opined that the White working class is kind of struggling but that is probably because they are lazy and just into hanging on by clipping coupons, which Kristol seems to think is a sign of decadence and decay rather than being frugal. In fact the White working class are so worthless and failing to contribute that it would be best to just get rid of them and replace them with Mexicans, as if the American people are nothing more than economic units that can be interchangeable and as if new waves of White immigrants 100 years ago are the same thing as waves of Mexican immigrants today. White people not working as much as you want? Get rid of them and replace them with Mexicans. Whatever you need to do to keep the worker bees working. As quoted from American Renaissance:
Look, to be totally honest, if things are so bad as you say with the white working class, don’t you want to get new Americans in? Seriously, you can make the case—this is going on too long and this is too crazy, probably, and I hope this thing isn’t being videotaped or ever shown anywhere. Whatever tiny, pathetic future I have is going to totally collapse.
Here is the clip which I am sure AEI would love to get removed from Youtube:

Bill seems to have a pretty low opinion of White people but if someone were to suggest that since the Jews are struggling with terrorism in Israel maybe we should just replace them with Palestinians, you can imagine the cries of anti-Semitism and the invocation of the Holocaust. For the record, I am not recommending replacing Jews with Palestinians.

Maybe for people like Bill Kristol, Whites are just another cog in the machine that can be replaced and have America keep chugging along as before. What he doesn't seem to understand is that you cannot replace the people and the culture that made America a nation where he and his family have become rich and influential with a different culture and expect things to go on as they were before. There is a reason Mexicans keep leaving Mexico, they don't like living somewhere that Mexicans dominate. There is nothing magical about the soil on this side of the Rio Grande that will make Mexicans who move here suddenly turn into the Founding Fathers. Instead it is more likely that the more Mexicans move here, the more America will look like Mexico which is precisely the place Mexicans seem to want to get away from. The same is true with Muslim "refugees", the more you bring into America, the more those parts of America where they live will start to look like the places they fled from. We already see this in Europe but that doesn't stop people in this country from pretending that passing through customs in an American airport makes people magically adopt American values.

It seems to me more likely that Kristol sees the White working class backlash against the Washington establishment, and by proxy the Jewish neo-con power brokers who are out of power, as a betrayal of his idea of the Republican party of endless interventions in the Middle East. The nomination and election of Trump was in a part a giant middle finger being given to the neo-con establishment and so those White working class voters who elected a Republican need to being eradicated and replaced because the unspoken flip side of his replacement equation is that in order to replace the White working class you need to not only bring in Mexicans to increase their numbers, you need to reduce the White working class population. Thanks to low birth-rates, higher incidences of White births out of wedlock, mixed race babies replacing White babies and the drug and suicide epidemic that plagues White working class communities, that part of Kriston's Final Solution for Whites is on the right path.

Instead of replacing the White working class with Mexicans and Muslim "refugees", maybe we should try to adopt policies in this country that encourage and revitalize White working class communities, starting with immigration reform, closing the borders and reducing the number of people we bring here to replace White workers. Stop providing incentives for the White working class to emulate the black underclass in joblessness and social pathology. It will take time but the people of America, those same White working class people Kristol wants to get rid of, are what built this country and made it great in the first place. Suggesting that we can just replace them when they become inconvenient is exactly why Trump was elected in the first place and why people stopped listening to Jewish neo-cons. Trump for all of his faults and foibles has the interests of the White working class as a top priority. Kristol and his ilk don't. It really is just as simple as that.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Glenn Beck Is An Entertainer, Not A Serious Thinker Nor A Friend of Liberty

It kills me that some people who think of themselves as "conservative" and lovers of liberty still listen to moonbat Glenn Beck as if he is on our team. Let's be clear, the only team Beck is on is Team Enrich Glenn Beck. He is a more than slightly deranged member of a cult who sells his voice and for some reason people take him seriously. Exhibit A, Beck's response to the riot last night at Berkeley:

Right. I defend Milo's right to speak but I also draw a moral equivalence between his speech that people don't like and rioters who burn stuff, pepper spray girls and beat people unconscious. Notice the words he used again: Rioters on left just as bad. How does someone who commits criminal acts of vandalism and violence that could have killed people only qualify as "just as bad"?

Here is a hint for self-proclaimed Constitutional expert Glenn Beck: free speech and free expression is expressly protected in the Constitution. Criminal vandalism and violence against people you disagree with is not. That isn't really that hard to understand if you have a middle-school level reading comprehension.

I don't have any particular affinity for Milo. Like I have said, he is occasionally amusing, he is provocative and he makes the right people mad but he is hardly a leader of the alt-right. However I have even less affinity for Glenn Beck, a lunatic snake-oil salesman who says whatever the political winds that are blowing on any given day in order to sell ad space on his radio show, memberships for his website and of course his books that I am pretty sure are mostly written by other people.

If you consider yourself a serious thinker and a defender of liberty but you still listen to Beck, you don't understand those terms,

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

If You Drink Budweiser

A) You should be ashamed of yourself because it is terrible and probably tastes better after it has passed through your urinary tract.

B) You should stop because clearly Anheuser-Busch thinks that selling crappy, cheap beer gives it license to smack you in the face with their clumsy virtue signaling.

Check out this silly Budweiser ad that is about a subtle as a jackhammer.

Didja get that subtle message? Oh, see if Trump had been President, Adolphus Busch wouldn't have been able to come to America and we would be forced to drink monkey urine instead of "The King of Beers". Of course Busch came here in 1857 and came here legally and was not from a nation that was known for fomenting terrorism. So other than that, it is just like the current debate over illegal aliens and a temporary freeze on "refugees". Does A-B think that the people who drink Budweiser, who probably voted overwhelmingly for Trump, are going to appreciate the suggestion in this video that they are terrible people?

If you want to drink a beer that is not so concerned with virtue signaling and clumsy appeals to the coastal elites that wouldn't be caught dead drinking their "beer" anyway, try Yuengling which got all sorts of crap for an endorsement of Trump last fall.

The King of Beers. What a joke.

Immigration and Self-Destruction

It is generally the case that on any given topic from abortion to the merit of using fabric softener, the Left in this country can be counted on to respond to any and all issues with a toxic mixture of a complete lack of logic, jaw-dropping stupidity and tearful hysteria. Actually, scratch the word "generally", there are no known exceptions to this statement.

The latest case in point, skipping for the nonce the nomination last night of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court which is causing all sorts of overwrought reactions, is the very reasonable and probably far too lenient and temporary restriction on travel to the U.S. from states that are known hotbeds of anti-Western terrorism and the general chaos that accompanies Islam, especially where it is found without the slightly civilizing influence of lots of oil money. The wailing and crying from people like life-long Jewish politician Chuck Schumer, who seems oblivious to the fact that the people he wants to import into America in massive numbers also hate his guts for being a Jew and many would gladly toss him off of a building, is silly and wildly ignorant. I have found very, very few people on social media, even from normally thoughtful if misguided people, that have taken the time to think through these questions at even the most basic level. Let me throw a little something out there....

In general the refugees and illegal immigrant laborers of this world come from either Muslim countries or countries that are predominantly black or Hispanic. You probably have noticed that at the present no one is talking about building a wall to keep Canadians from crossing our borders, although given the idiot who is Prime Minister currently that might be a topic for the future. The simple fact that refugees and illegal aliens come almost exclusively from nations that share one or both of those attributes is without question. That brings us to the next point. There must be something about those nations that generates so many refugees and illegal aliens. This is where the liberal mind breaks down. They simply cannot take that next step. "We need to help the black and brown refugees" is where they stop without ever wondering why all of the refugees are black and brown in the first place.

The second point is that almost all of these refugees who are able to do so are heading for countries that also share some common characteristics. They tend to head for countries that are, or at least used to be, predominantly White and at least nominally Christian. Countries like the U.S., Germany, England, Sweden, etc. share a common heritage and offer the refugee and illegal alien a wealth of advantages over other nations that demographically and culturally are similar to what they are trying to flee from.

In other words, people from black and brown and/or Muslim dominated nations are desperately trying to leave the company of other people who look and/or believe like they do and go to countries where people don't look and don't believe as they do. The culture is different, the religion is different, even the climate is different and yet you still have Somalians moving to tropical paradises like Columbus, Ohio and Minneapolis.

What is up with that? Either one of two possibilities must be in play here. Either they are heading for these countries under false pretenses in order to wage jihad, which many of them clearly are, or there are fleeing their own nations and the company of their own people because being in a nation that is White and nominally Christian beats being in a country that is black or brown and/or Muslim.

Here comes the next leap. If there are valid reasons for wanting to go from one culture and move at great risk to another culture, it means that the receiving culture is superior in some ways, enough so that leaving your homeland is worth it. Saying something like that is absolutely forbidden in our "enlightened" society but that doesn't make it less true. They aren't trying to come to America because they think their lives will be worse here but because they think their lives will be better and that is because the make-up and culture of America and Europe is better than the same in Africa, the Middle-East, Mexico, Cuba, etc. People don't flee Somalia to go to Yemen. They don't leave Mexico to go to Columbia. They leave nations that are full of people like themselves to go to nations full of people not like themselves because the people not like themselves have built a better place to live than people like themselves.

Look at a listing of nations by highest percentage of Muslims. You have places like Afghanistan, 99.8% Muslim, where former 13 year old child "brides" are raped, beaten and have their ears and noses cut off by their "husbands". Iran (99.7%), Iraq (98.9%), Yemen (99%), "modern" Turkey (98.6%). Would any sane person voluntarily leave the U.S. or Finland or the Netherlands and move to one of those countries? I would rather be in prison in America than live in a place like Afghanistan or Iran. I don't want to move there and since I am a Christian and not afraid to say it, they don't want me there and would probably express their displeasure by cutting my head off.

The next leap.

What happens in places like the United States, Norway, France, etc. when the people who have the culture and characteristics of places they wanted to flee from start to become more and more culturally dominate in the places they fled to? We already see this in Scandinavia where absorbing thousands of "refugees" has made places that were once safe completely off-limits for Whites, especially women. The result is the place you moved to doesn't make life better for you in the long run, instead your presence and refusal to assimilate makes the place you fled to as bad as the place you fled from. That is not going to happen soon in the majority of the U.S. because of the sheer mass of people and the general difficulty of getting here from Africa and the Middle East (unlike Mexico) but it is already happening in Europe in smaller nations and we see it happening here in places like California and Texas as they fill up with Mexicans and the White birthrate continues to drop like a stone.

It is a crude and probably racist analogy but throwing a bar of soap into a mud puddle doesn't make the mud puddle cleaner, it just makes the bar of soap dirty. The Bible teaches that a little bit of leaven leavens the entire loaf (1 Corinthians 5:6) and the more you forcibly cram people who are from backwards nations into advanced nations, the greater the impact. Our refugees and illegal immigrants are not enhancing our culture, they are degrading it and turning parts of America into mirror images of the very places they are fleeing from. That doesn't help them nor is it compassionate and it is harmful and destructive to the very aspects of America and Europe that make refugees risk death to flee there in the first place.

This sort of logical progression in thought escapes the emotion-driven, "muh feelz" denizens of the American Left. They never think beyond the next five minutes and never seem able to think more than one step into a proposed solution. As a result we get people who think that a 3 month temporary ban on a very select, targeted set of nations with obvious security issues is somehow a human rights disaster. Trying to explain the thought process above to liberals is usually a waste of time because they lack the critical thinking skills to even consider it. Thus it is the responsibility and duty for those of us who care about this country and our traditional heritage to pass those critical thinking skills on to our children (which assumes we will have children in the first place).

If you want to actually help refugees and people who are disadvantaged in other countries, you should first consider the needs of people in this country and also that this country is $20 trillion in debt, a debt that will cripple the economy of our children. Second, if you are so inclined you really ought to think of ways to help them where they are. Foremost among this would be to stop meddling in foreign affairs which increases the instability of those countries and creates a sense of "you break it, you buy it" responsibility to "fix" the nations we broke. Letting people with a shared identity and a shared culture control their own destiny rather than piggy-backing on that of another people is far more compassionate. Self-determination is part of what made America great and we shouldn't seek to take that away from people from other countries to "rescue" them. Instead let them forge their own destiny. If all cultures are equally valuable and all people are essentially equal in ability, and that is what we are told over and over, then they should be able to do just fine on their own without Western imperialism hindering their growth. Of course logic and history undercuts that theory but that doesn't obligate the U.S. and Europe to become precisely the sort of places these people are fleeing from in the first place.

You can't improve the lives of people by permitting them to replicate their social malformations in new and exciting places. We need to be firm in defending what makes our nations and our culture the envy of the world and encourage other nations to forge their own path forward instead of opening our borders to their citizens. We have an obligation, I might even say a sacred obligation, to preserve our culture for our children and that is more important than suicidal gestures that clearly have never been thought out.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

There Goes Grumpy Uncle Pat, Making Sense Again

As someone who grew up watching Pat Buchanan on political talk shows and then slowly starting to back away from him because he was just a little too extreme, it is now kind of humbling that he keeps being right all the time. When everyone else was writing off Trump, Buchanan was still banging the drum for The Donald. I used to snicker a little when I read his stuff, that Pat is just so out of touch!

Now he just keeps on making sense and it is kind of irritating. He is like the grumpy uncle who comes to family get-togethers and rants about politically incorrect stuff and is generally embarrassing but keeps being right. In his latest piece What a Wall Says to the World he writes:
It is not only that illegal migrants take jobs from Americans, that they commit crimes, or that so many require subsidized food, welfare, housing, education, and health care. It is that they are changing our country. They are changing who we are.
In 1960, we were a Western Christian country. Ninety percent of our people traced their roots to Europe. Ninety percent bore some connection to the Christian faith. To the tens of millions for whom Trump appeals, what the wall represents is our last chance to preserve that nation and people. 
To many on the cosmopolitan left, ethnic or national identity is not only not worth fighting for, it is not even worth preserving. It is a form of atavistic tribalism or racism.
Not only is (White) ethnic or national identity not worth preserving, it is a moral obligation for the Left to destroy it. What Pat fumbles here is that the Left doesn't hate all ethnic or national identity, just White and European ethnic identity. I get that he can't or at least won't say that at places like the American Conservative, although he implies it, but I am quite sure he knows this to be the case. I don't know if the wall will do what we hope it will but I do know that it is better than not doing anything at all while illegals overrun entire cities and eventually entire states.

It is not just a wall on the Mexican border but also includes the need to manage who comes to this country in general.

I wish more people would look at Europe and see what happens when the tiny Muslim population suddenly grows and starts feeling their power and expressing their resentment toward the very people who have given them shelter. Sure 100,000 extra Muslims in a country the size of the U.S. can kind of blend into the background but as we keep letting them in pretty soon they start to take on self-identity that is opposed to the land they live in. Dearborn, Michigan is a prime example where Muslims have a sizable population and are already trying to create a Muslim environment in the midst of America.

A nation without a concrete identity and without borders is a nation that is doomed. Do we really want to take everything that makes America a place people want to live and others want to come to and throw it away?

The SJWs Are One Of The Best Recruiting Tools We Have

Rod Dreher writing at paleo-con journal The American Conservative posted something I found fascinating, Creating The White Tribe. It is basically two comments from TAC readers that express exactly what I have found in my own experience and journey, that the constant White bashing by the Left is pushing many people who formerly would never have even entertained some of the ideas of the alt-right to start giving them serious thought. This is from the second excerpt (emphasis mine):
I remarked to my wife a couple of weeks ago that witnessing the left’s histrionics for the past several months has made me more racist, more sexist, and more homophobic than I ever would’ve been otherwise. Now, I don’t like that about myself, and I try to self-critique and keep in check some of the more knee-jerk impulses (I must strive for Christian charity above all else, of course), but that’s obviously way more than the left is willing to do. What the left doesn’t get is it’s turning people like me—reasonably moderate, go-along-to-get-along types—into full-blown reactionary radicals. Ideas that I once would’ve rolled my eyes at I’m now willing to give a hearing. I don’t think I’m some paragon of rational thought and self-control by any means, but it concerns me that if I’m willing at least to entertain some of these ideas (critically and deliberately), what about the people who embrace them more impetuously or because their circumstances seemingly leave them no other option? If the left wants to make this all about tribes, I’m siding with my own tribe. That means the Church above all else, of course, but it may come to mean some of those other categories, too. What follows from all of this cannot bode well.
Boy, that sounds familiar! I want to re-emphasize that second bold line above:

If the left wants to make this all about tribes, I’m siding with my own tribe.

Unilateral disarmament in this cultural struggle can only end in a diminished White race and eventual functional elimination of Whites as a distinct people. For some people that is a worthwhile goal but I think if push comes to shove, an honest answer from most White people would categorically state that this outcome is bad for them, their family and the world.

I am seeing more and more of this, people starting to ask questions and make statements that as recently as 3-4 months ago would have been unthinkable. To paraphrase Admiral Yamamoto, the SJWs and the "Women's March" have awoken the sleeping giant of White America.

We cannot be content to just allow our culture and even our people be eradicated. I hold little hope for the Trump presidency as a stand alone success because of the erratic personality of Trump but the election itself and especially the post-election response has done more to awaken White America than almost any other catalyst. The question now becomes how we respond to those who, like some of Rod's readers (and for every two who write in I bet there are hundreds more silently reading and watching), are starting to give a serious hearing to our ideas. We might never get another shot like we have now and if we blow it because we are too concerned with being clever or edgy or if we spend all of our time on in-fighting and territory struggles we could miss this opportunity and consign Whites to the ash heap of history. If that happens we will only have ourselves to blame.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The "What Would We Do Without Illegal Mexicans" Fallacy

The topic of immigration reform and enforcement is one that generates a lot of noise and not a lot of rational thought. What about the poor children, the families "ripped apart" (because of the illegal actions taken by the adults)?! Christians in America have a Gospel obligation to support illegal immigrants coming here and staying here (no we don't)!

Perhaps the most obscene lie we are told is that we absolutely need these Mexican and other illegal immigrants because they "do the jobs Americans won't do". If we didn't have illegals, who would pick our veggies and cut up steers in meatpacking plants and care for our landscaping and clean our offices? This is a great tactic, even if it is dishonest, because you get to suggest a greater work ethic for illegals and imply that current American citizens are too lazy to do certain jobs.

It is pretty clear that the U.S. does not suffer from a lack of low-skilled employable people to fill low-wage and less desirable jobs. While it is true that we are woefully unprepared to replace a lot of skilled trades jobs in the future thanks to the "everyone has to go to college and get a four year degree" nonsense, it is absolutely not true that there simply are not enough people to do the jobs that the illegal aliens do.

For example, under the gross incompetence and criminal malpractice of the Obama administration, we have seen a plummeting of the workforce participation rate. Granted some of this is due to a ballooning population of older Americans who are in retirement but by any measure there are just a lot of able-bodied Americans who are not in the workforce.

I wish this were because more mothers were staying home to raise their own children rather than subcontracting the often thankless task of parenting to others. It is not. There were tons of reports about a startling and dangerous trend that made the news in 2016. The New York Times published a story in October titled Millions of Men Are Missing From the Job Market.
Economists have long struggled to explain why a growing proportion of men in the prime of their lives are not employed or looking for work. A new study has found that nearly half of these men are on painkillers and many are disabled.

The working paper by Alan Krueger, a Princeton economist, casts light on this population, which grew during the recession that started in 2007. As of last month, 11.4 percent of men between the ages of 25 and 54 — or about seven million people — were not in the labor force, which means that they were not employed and were not seeking a job. This percentage has been rising for decades (it was less than 4 percent in the 1950s), but the trend accelerated in the last 20 years.
Think on that for a second. We have more than one out of every ten men of prime working age, between 25-54 which mostly eliminates college students and early retirees, some seven million men who are not doing anything and not trying to do anything. This is more significant than the unemployment rate which essentially covers people out of work but looking. These men are not even looking for work. That is an average of 140,000 per state. Many of these are probably on disability, and many of those legitimately so, but according to this report a lot are also hooked on painkillers.

So we have tens of millions of Americans of working age who are not working. I would be willing to bet that even when you allow for people who are legitimately disabled and those who work outside of the normal employment world and don't show up in the numbers, there are still millions of Americans out of work.

On the other hand, we have an explosion in the welfare state. It is without question that the number of Americans and the percentage of the population that are at least partially dependent on the government for some or all of their livelihood is growing. I would say it is also obvious that this is intentional but that is a different topic for a different day. According to a 2014 story from in 2014 over 100,000,000 Americans were receiving some form of welfare:
What did taxpayers give to the 109,631,000 — the 35.4 percent of the nation — getting welfare benefits at the end of 2012? 
82,679,000 of the welfare-takers lived in households where people were on Medicaid, said the Census Bureau. 51,471,000 were in households on food stamps. 22,526,000 were in the Women, Infants and Children program. 20,355,000 were in household on Supplemental Security Income. 13,267,000 lived in public housing or got housing subsidies. 5,442,000 got Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. 4,517,000 received other forms of federal cash assistance.
We have that many people who are on assistance of some sort but we are told that we need illegals because they do the jobs that "Americans won't do"? It makes sense that if people were not being provided with an incentive to not work they would be more willing to do jobs that illegals do because they wouldn't have much choice otherwise. People make choices all the time. If I am given the choice between a steak and ham sandwich, I am usually going to take the steak. If someone else is offered a choice between staying home to play video games while receiving government benefits or losing those benefits and having to earn a paycheck working in tough conditions in a meat packing plant, which do you think they will choose? I wouldn't choose that, for me work is part of my identity and I was raised to see work as something to be sought out, not avoided, but that is yet another example of what happens when we try to manage a nation using one set of principles (the European Protestant work ethic for example) when that nation has a large population that doesn't believe in such guiding principles.

So I don't care to hear that we need Mexicans to do work that American won't do. Americans will do those jobs if you take away the incentive for them to not do those jobs and in doing so they gain both valuable work experience as well as a sense of pride (hopefully). I know plenty of Americans who will do whatever they need to do to provide for their families. If I had no other choice I would cut up hogs or pick vegetables or clean office buildings if that is what I had to do to provide for my family, a sacred obligation and privilege I have as a father and husband. I would imagine that many other Americans who share a similar background would do the same.

We don't "need" illegal aliens to do the jobs Americans "won't do". We need to eliminate the means by which so many American seem to think that they can sit on the sidelines while the rest of us work to support them and while people violate our laws to work in their place. If the lower class constituency of the Democrats suddenly find themselves competing with illegals for jobs that they need to pay for rent, food and other necessities, I guarantee you the immigration conversation in this country would change dramatically.