Monday, January 16, 2017

Our Multicultural High Holy Day Arrives!

It is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in America and all good Americans are duty bound to post some variation of a handful of safe and inspiring quotes from "Dr." King to show how aware they are of the pervasive nature of racism, and by implication their own guilt even if they have never discriminated against a black, and they absolutely cannot mention how irritated they are that the mail is not delivered, the banks are closed and their kids are not in school.

In America you can criticize anyone. You can be critical of the pope. You can be critical of the President, even to the point of fomenting insurrection and denying the electoral process like "Civil Rights Icon" John Lewis. You can be critical of entertainers and of sports figures, political figures and clergy.

You cannot be critical of Martin Luther King, Jr.. Not ever. You cannot bring up his alleged but pretty well documented marital infidelity. You cannot mention his proven plagiarism on his doctoral dissertation (thus my scare quotes around "Dr." when referring to King. If he had been White, he almost certainly would have faced some serious academic sanctions). You cannot bring up his calls for an early version of reparations. You can't bring up his quotes that talk about race riots and excuse the violence with "Yeah they are bad...but...racism." You cannot talk about his anti-capitalist positions. No, all you can really do is post quotes from his "I have a dream" speech, as if that is the only thing he ever said and is most representative of his thought. I actually prefer the unfiltered MLK. I think he was mostly wrong on most issues but at least the unfiltered King is a real person, not this phony media creation that can do no wrong. The real King was a reasonably intelligent guy and a pretty powerful orator but was deeply flawed as a person and tragically wrong on many issues. Even worse is the way his legacy has been monetized and exploited by his sycophantic "friends" following his death.

I wonder what Mr. King would think today? Would he still be blaming black crime rates on racism? Would he be like so many other race hucksters today who think that even though we have a (half) black President for another week, the guy who has been President for 8 years in America, racism is still the primary reason blacks are poorer and more prone to violent crime? Would he think that naming just one more street after himself or putting a Negress on a gold coin that most black women can't afford and will never see (I can't afford one either, even if I were so inclined to buy one) is going to somehow make things better? I doubt it. The rhetoric used by King and perfected by his carrion eating successors is based on "goals" that are intentionally amorphous enough that you can never actually attain them. This is by design. If you are always chasing the rabbit of "equality" that you will never, ever catch, knowing full well that people have never been equal anywhere, at any time in history, you can squeeze money from other people, productive people, without end. It is a perfect racket. People like Al Sharpton and Jesse "I cradled MLK's head in my lap while he died" Jackson have been milking guilty White Americans for decades, using guilt and extortion to leech hush money from Whites while at the same time doing absolutely zero to help their own people. Why should they help blacks? Every black who becomes self-sufficient is one less black they can marshal in boycotts or marches or riots. In other words, a self-sufficient black is of no use to them and is actually a hindrance. I would hazard a guess that people like Sharpton and Jackson were secretly kind of bummed when Obama became President because it meant they would have to work a lot harder to keep the "White man holding us back so he owes us money" narrative going and if there is anything Jesse Jackson hates, it is having to work.

So while I loathe the murder of King for a bunch of reasons, I also don't think that if he had not been assassinated we would see a lot of difference in America. There is simply too much money to be made by perpetuating the "racism is the cause of all of our problems" narrative. I am convinced that most of the social tension that we hear about and react to in the mainstream media is largely ginned up and to find out what is really happening you need to follow the money. That is also why we only get a carefully scrubbed and sanitized media creation of King. He is far more useful and of course far more profitable as a dead martyr to be molded and shaped into a money making machine than he ever could have been alive and talking.

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