Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A Great Twitter Tool

Some super nice folks at a group that is looking for "500 Nazi Scalps" took the time to compile a list of the top 500 alt-right or otherwise politically incorrect Twitter accounts (i.e. "Nazis" and "white supremacists") and put them into a spreadsheet, even sorting them by number of followers. It has been an incredibly useful list for me, I have been copying and pasting the Twitter users and following anyone they have on their list but they compiled such a comprehensive list that it is taking me some time to get all of them followed. It is quite encouraging that they managed to come up with 500 Twitter users they apparently hate with over 1000 followers each, all the way up to over 23,000 followers for VDare. Anyway, download the spreadsheet and be sure to follow anyone on the list you are not already following. Thanks again for making such a useful spreadsheet!

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